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Akiko Kawachi and Shigehiro Nagataki at dinner for workshop on Circumstellar Interactions in Massive Binaries, held 17-18 March 2010 at Hokkaido University

Workshop participants at dinner

Bish Isibashi (r) with others at workshop dinner

Suzi in foyer of Tokyo department store

Suzi walking in Tokyo

Suzi on bridge in Tokyo

Suzi by temple in Tokyo

Suzi walking in Tokyo

Suzi at tempel in Tokyo

Stan at tempel in Tokyo

Suzi at Tokyo market

Suzi at temple in Tokyo

Stan takes sip of holy water in Tokyo temple

Fountain of holy water in Tokyo temple

Suzi by buddhist statue in Tokyo temple

Yes we can wear an Obama mask

Stan on Tokyo street

Foot cleaners in Tokyo

Decorated door in Tokyo

Suzi at Tokyo market

Suzi outside Senbei cracker bakery after having a sample

Why do they need more than one English staff?

Stan with bathing beauties in Tokyo

Japanese toilet offers buttons for squrting your butt or making a flushing noise to mask the sound of your peeing.

Suzi with our Sendai host, Prof. Hideyuki Saio

Wooden beam ceiling of pavillion in Matsushima, coastal town near Sendai.

Stan with Hideyuki Saio on foot bridge to island on shore off Matsushima.

Matsushima temple

Buddhist statue regularly gets new hat to keep its head warm

Suzi near island pavillion on Matsushima coast.

Stan & Suzi near island pavillion on Sendai coast.

Stan with Hideyuki Saio

Buddhist statue on island off Matsushima

View of Matsushima town from island.

Sign outside acquarium near Matsushima.

map of coastal park in Matsushima