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Old train car in Hokkaido museum.

Chris and Atsuo at Kirin beer restaurant in Sapporo.

Chris samples shellfish Chrisin Kirin beer restaurant in Sapporo.

Geishi dolls at sake brewery tour.

Casks on sake brewery tour.

Brew vats on sake brewery tour.

Shadow painting art on sake brewery tour.

Kitchy blown glass on sake brewery tour.

Akemi, Atsuo & Chris by drums at sake brewery festival.

River veiw from sake brewery festival.

Akemi & Atsuo at sake brewery festival.

Street food prep at sake brewery festival.

Atsuo, Stan & Chris try free samples at sake brewery festival.

Wooden casks at sake brewery festival.

Stuff corner doll at sake brewery festival.

Dancers at sake brewery festival.

Littel kid joins dancers at sake brewery festival.

Akemi, Atsuo & Chris watch dancers at sake brewery festival.

WC sign at sake brewery festival.

Atsuo poses in warrior cartoon at sake brewery festival.

Making candy at sake brewery festival.

Stan & Chris with Atsuo and Kimi enjoy great dinner at Hokkaido seafood restaurant.

Kimi enjoys grilled fish at Hokkaido seafood restaurant.

Stan and Chris prepare to eat salmon eggs at Hokkaido seafood restaurant.

Stan gets another Sake at Hokkaido seafood restaurant.

Chris at park entry for Hokkaido Fighters baseball game.

Hokkaido Fighters baseball game.

Chris at Hokkaido Fighters baseball game.

Stan gives thumbs up to Hokkaido Fighters baseball game.

Stan adds to seafood stew at banquet with Hokkaido U. students.

Atsuo at quaint Japanese BBQ restaurant near Hokkia Gakuen U.

Stan grills meat at quaint Japanese BBQ restaurant near Hokkia Gakuen U.

Atsuo uses restaurant-provide compact mirror to check teeth for food after dinner in JR station.

Stan's staple diet was steak special and soup bar at this Victoria station family restaurant near his apartment.

Friendly Japanese waitress at Victoria station family restaurant near Stan's apartment.

Victoria station family restaurant near Stan's apartment.